ECHIC - European Consortium for Humanities Institutes and Centres

The European Consortium for Humanities Institutes and Centres is a university-based initiative to organise European Research Institutes, Humanities Faculties/Departments and Centres for the Humanities. The profile of the humanities in Europe today has become a contested space. This consortium rests on the double assumption that effective international and intra-European networking in defence of the humanities, on the one hand, and interdisciplinary research across the field of the humanities, on the other, can play a significant role in shaping this debate about the humanities today and offer workable alternatives to the renewal of the field. The consortium pursues the highest international standards of excellence with a spirit of innovation and exploration of new research areas, but also with an acute sense of the social and political relevance of the humanities in Europe today.



Ecological Mindedness and Sustainable Wellbeing

We are very pleased to announce that the 2023 ECHIC conference will take place at the University of Ferrara (Italy), on May 25-27, 2023. Since the World Commission on Environment and Development published Our Common Future (1987), the notion of sustainable development has been continuously scrutinised and redefined. Sustainability has been expanded to incorporate environmental, cultural, legal, and economic aspects of a low-carbon future and to encompass the wellbeing of all living species, which involves material aspects such as the social acceptance of resource-efficient transitions and immaterial ones such as flourishing human capabilities. The conference theme – “Ecological Mindedness and Sustainable Wellbeing” – invites critical reflection on theories, methods, and practices of sustainability requiring eco-innovation and technology transfer as well as new cultural frames of mind and forms of education, social engagement, empowerment, and agency.