Alexa Weik Von Mossner

Alexa Weik Von Mossner is Associate Professor of American Studies at the University of Klagenfurt. Her research explores contemporary environmental culture from a cognitive perspective with a focus on affect and emotion. She has a specific interest in climate change narratives across media.
She is currently researching on the project “Cinema and Environment: Affective Ecologies in the Anthropocene” (2020-2023) at the University of the Balearic Islands. She's also an international partner for the research project “Literature and Reading in the Age of Environmental Crisis” (2021-2024), directed by Toni Lahtinen at the University of Helsinki. Most recently, she joined the FWF project “Delocating Mountains: Cinematic Landscapes and the Alpine Model” (2020-2024) at the University of Innsbruck. She is a member of the European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and Environment (EASLCE) Advisory Board and a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Environmental Media and Media+Environment.
She has recently published Cosmopolitan Minds: Literature, Emotion, and the Transnational Imagination (University of Texas Press, 2014) and Affective Ecologies: Empathy, Emotion and Environmental Narrative (Ohio State University Press, 2017).